Melanin Mood Room

  • 6 Unique Date Night Ideas you should try

    Date Nights are very important in a relationship no matter what stage the relationship is in, marriage, dating, etc. Every Couple needs a little time together without having to deal with outside problems. Depending on what stage you are in, sometimes you have to get a little creative with date night ideas. Sometimes you have…


  • 4 Amazing Vacation Ideas for Couples

    Being in a relationship is hard sometimes. You have to work on keeping it new and fresh while still learning new things about each other. Being married and having a family makes it even harder. After working 40+ hours a week and then coming home to the usual routine of cooking, cleaning, parenting, etc, you…


  • 10 Black-Owned Brands You Need to Try

    There is nothing more disappointing than hearing about a hot new makeup brand or skincare line and trying it out only to find out the color doesn’t show well on your skin or the formula doesn’t work well with your skin, or they just don’t have your color or a product for your skin at…


  • Unconventional things to add to your daily Self-Care routine

    This year we are focusing on becoming our best selves. The first part of becoming a happier person is having a good self-care routine. We all know the typical “light some candles” or “take a bubble bath”, but I want to add some other unconventional options that you should consider adding to your daily routine.…


  • Love Songs to listen to with your Favorite Person

    R&B Love songs give you a different kind of feeling. Whether you listening to it with your favorite person or just in the mood for a chill night, R&B Love Songs is a good choice for any night. If you need a good Date Night Playlist for Valentine’s Day or any other day, look no…


  • Self-Care for Moms in times of Need

    Being a mom in not for the weak-hearted. It’s rewarding and it’s joy to see your babies grow and play and take on their own adventures. BUT it’s very, VERY exhausting. Not only moms, but for anyone that has taken on a caregiver role has experienced put every ounce of energy they have into taking…


  • Songs to listen to when you are Feeling yourself

    Some days you need a reminder that you ARE that girl. My favorite thing to do when I’m feeling a little down is listen to music. Sometimes you need a confidence boost and need to find a playlist that will give it to you. This playlist is good to listen to when you’re getting ready…


  • The Ultimate Workout “Twerkout” Playlist

    Don’t you hate going to the gym and realizing you don’t have a Playlist saved to workout to? Then you have to find a generic playlist that has random slow songs that throw off your whole mood… I hate it. But, if you are looking for a good Playlist that will get you pumped for…


  • 4 Free at-home workouts to get back in shape

    A big part of Self-care is taking care of yourself and your health. It’s the new year and almost everybody make a resolution to lose weight or get in shape. Well with ‘rona still lingering the gym might not be the safest place to go right now. But instead of making excuses I want to…


  • 6 Simple ways to get Motivated

    Most people, including myself, have set resolutions and goals that they want to achieve in 2024. Did you? Was it weight loss, stop smoking, start saving money, etc? Are you still on track with working on those goals OR are you already having trouble keeping up? Usually within the 1st month or 2, people have already slacked…